What's the response to micro-holidays been? It's been around WOTLK Gold six months now since they were introduced. Are there plans to expand these even more? Are there certain points when you feel you'd have too many?
We're still kind of feeling out of the space. Some of the answers to those questions - how often they should be and how many we need response has been very positive. The micro-holidays varied from one to the next. There were some that had more participants in the event than others. Much of it had to do with how long the micro-holiday lasts or, in other cases or even how far and difficult to get to.
You can imagine that we witnessed the most people participate in the salute-a-guard day just because it was within Orgrimmar or Stormwind or one the capitals of these cities, you could be able to shout "salute a guard" and then be participating in the holiday, whereas something similar to Hatching or the Hippogryphs, not as many people played because you actually had to fly all the way to Feralas in order to access the event.
Blizzard will enable battlegrounds with the same faction starting July 2-6 to observe the impact on the game. Battlegrounds will be able to match teams of opposing factions, however, if the team can't be located quickly enough the matchmaking mechanism will make teams from the same faction even though the team plays using the faction's base sporting masks and tabards which represent the faction they're fighting for.
"As the moment we saw Battleground queue times shoot up in the last few weeks and we set about working to determine the best way to deal with the issue," Blizzard wrote in a post on the game's official forums. "They've been buy WOW WOTLK Classic Gold extensively discussed here and in other forums and elsewhere, as you're aware as well. In addition to monitoring your conversations closely we also looked into the history of games and data.
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